更新日期: 2019-01-02
1. 類型:公寓
Type: Apartment
2. 業態:住宅
Format: Residential
3. 面積:7.59萬平方米
Area: 75,900 square meters
4. 地址:馬來西亞柔佛州
Address: Johor, Malaysia
5. 套數:136套
Number of sets: 136 sets
6. 采用技術:采用SSGF新型建造體系
Adoption technology: adopting SSGF new construction system
7. 開工時間:2018年6月8日
Starting time: June 8, 2018
8. 預計完工時間:2020年1月5日
Estimated completion time: January 5, 2020
9. 獲獎情况:
(3)頒發機構: 碧桂園森林城市
(1) Name of the award: The fastest start of the forest city, the fastest completion of the positive and negative zero award
(2) Award time: October 2018
(3) Authorities: Country Garden Forest City
The technical difficulties that the company broke through in the construction project:Fully interspersed construction, aluminum alloy formwork, full cast-in-place exterior wall, high-precision floor, floor water interception, prefabricated stairs, external wall climbing frame, water and electricity precision positioning and other new technologies and processes.